更多来自此开发人员的 App Bass Guitar •更多来自此开发人员的 App 8D Music Studio 音乐 吉他! 音乐 手指鼓 音乐 吉他歌曲 音乐 电吉他! 音乐 口琴! 音乐 鼓组! 音乐 吉他° 音乐 Ukulele! 音乐 摇滚鼓 音乐 鼓高清 音乐 照片编辑器按节拍时
Guitar and Bass Version: 1.3 Guitar and bass is aFREE Windows XP/Vista/7reference software for fretted instruments, such as Guitar, Bass, Banjo, and Mandolin. (New instruments and tunings can be added too). You'll get everything a musician needs, including: Scale/chords/intervals references...
貝斯吉他調音器 - Bass Guitar Tuner更多来自此开发人员的 App 二胡调音器-调音,定弦,音准 音乐 小提琴调音器-音准练习伴侣 琵琶调音器-调音,定弦,音准 阮调音器-调音,定弦,音准 音乐 大提琴调音器专业版 音乐 尤克里里调音器 - Ukulele Tuner 音乐
兼容性:需要 iOS 12.1 或更新. 分数: 3.57143 共7 人投票 免费 官方下载 描述 简洁使用接口, 简单, 易用. 完整定弦模式, 噪音过滤, 显示稳定, 只需简单设定画面上方的频率及画面中间右方的调子, 弹奏时, 调音结果即会显示音位于画面4根弦对应的位置上. [调音器] - 钢琴音校音 : 点击精刻度尺上方的空弦...
Learn Bass Guitar 27 - More Major Minor part C Learn Bass Guitar 27 - More Major Minor part B Learn Bass Guitar 27 - More Major Minor part A Learn Bass Guitar 25 Part D Exercises II V 1 Ideas Learn Bass Guitar 25 - Part C - More II V 1 Ideas ...
Tune your guitar and other instruments with GuitarTuna, the world’s #1 online tuner. Our online guitar tuner comes with over 100 different tunings.
Guitar Pro is a tablature editor software for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments. Equipped with a powerful audio engine, it makes writing music easier, and it constitutes an essential tool for guitarists.
Tuner is the app you were looking for to express yourself musically. Try it, and impress your friends with your guitar skills! Features: TUNER - Easily tune your guitar, bass & ukulele using only your phone - No other accessories are needed, no need for a cable to connect your guitar ...
What are the most popular brands for Virtual Bass & Guitar Software on Sweetwater.com? Overloud Virtual Bass & Guitar Software IK Multimedia Virtual Bass & Guitar Software Toontrack Virtual Bass & Guitar Software Impact Soundworks Virtual Bass & Guitar Software Brainworx Virtual Bass & Guitar ...
GuitarTuner:吉他调音器 音乐 音乐 曼陀林调音器 - MandolinTuner 班卓琴调音器 - Tuner for Banjo 大提琴调音器专业版 音乐 长笛调音器 音乐 巴拉玛琴调音器-Baglama Tuner 三味线调音器 音乐 日本筝调音器 音乐 阮调音器-调音,定弦,音准 音乐 古筝调音器-调音,定弦,音准 ...