(first space treble clef) below the male High C. The bass-baritone has some height of the baritone and some depth of the bass and his range is usually A-flat (first space bass clef) to F (first space treble clef) and sometimes as high as G below the male High C. The baritone’s...
And I make sense of the question why E to Gb would be a diminished third, but E to F# is a major second. Tune in. This is the foundation for lots more to come on these gems. They are the basic building blocks of everything – scales, triads, chords, extensions… Continue reading...
You can use the wall chart to study the entire foundation of music theory. In the videos I describe how! Pick a different key each time. This is how I believe music theory should be studied: doing it, understanding it, rather than reading down pages and pages of arpeggios and scales. ...