BASQUEVOLT vise à devenir le leader européen de la prochaine génération de batteries au lithium à l'état solide. Notre technologie rendra possible le déploiement massif des transports électriques, ...
BASQUEVOLT. European pioneers in solid-state batteries BASQUEVOLT aims to become the European leader in the next generation of solid-state lithium batteries. Our technology will make possible the mass deployment of electric transportation, stationary energy storage and advanced portable devices. ...
固态电池开发商Basquevolt公布了其创新中心,承诺到2023年底提供100%的欧洲固态电池技术。该研发中心位于西班牙北部城市圣塞巴斯蒂安郊区的Alava科技园,前身为Epsilon大楼(现为Basquevolt大楼),最初专注于生产用于电动汽车的20Ah电池。Basquevolt与研究伙伴CIC energiGUNE合作,该公司的专利复合电解质构成了该技术的基础,自...
About Basquevolt Basquevolt focuses on the development of solid-state lithium batteries within the energy storage and electric transportation sectors. The company's main offerings include sustainable and safer battery technology for electric vehicles, heavy transport, renewable energy, and electronic devices...
Basquevolt固态电池计划在2027年实现10GWh产量 巴斯克固态电池计划宣布Basquevolt公司,以在西欧的西班牙-法国地区率先生产固态电池。该计划项目的股东包括巴斯克政府、Iberdrola、CIE Automotive、Enagás、EIT InnoEnergy和CIC energiGUNE。 该计划的发起人声称,经过两年的紧张和高度机密的工作,Basquevolt将使巴斯克地区成为欧洲...
The promoters of BASQUEVOLT are aware that liquid electrolyte lithium batteries are reaching a state of maturity, and that the next technological breakthrough required to really unlock the true potential of energy storage must come from the solid ...
导读:Iberdrola、CIE Automotive、Enagás、EIT InnoEnergy和CIC energiGUNE等公司与巴斯克政府共同发起了Basquevolt倡议,研究、开发和生产固态电池。 该计划是开发原型电池,并在2025年投入一条试验生产线,投资额为7亿欧元,然后在2027年实现年产量10GWh。 Basquevolt第一阶段的活动地点将是西班牙的阿拉瓦科技园。这个巴斯克研...
西班牙北部巴斯克地区的全固态电池Basquevolt于6月10日宣布,计划在2027年建设10GWh的电池工厂。巴斯克地区政府主导倡议,由西班牙跨国电力公司Iberdrola、主要供应商CIE Automotive、能源公司Enagás、EIT InnoEnergy、研究机构CIC energiGUNE等组成。 第一条生产线的投资额为7亿欧元,约产生800个工作岗位。
Basquevolt, the Basque initiative for the production of solid-state batteries, is launched with the aim of producing 10GWh by 2027 The founding consortium of investors in the project, promoted by the Basque Government, includes Iberdrola, ...
Compare Basquevolt to Competitors Powerit Powerit develops aluminum-ion batteries and electrodes, focusing on energy storage solutions for various sectors. The company offers solid-state rechargeable batteries that are designed to provide an alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries, targeting the ...