Basking Ridge is an unincorporated area located within Bernards Township in the Somerset Hills region of Somerset County, New Jersey.Basking Ridge是一个位于新泽西萨默塞特县萨默塞特丘陵地区贝尔纳镇.The area was settled during the early days of the country. It is home to the old AT&T Hea...
New Patient Forms 413 King George Rd, #201 Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 (908) 604-5959 Caring for All of Your Family's Dental Needs We now offer Anxiety Free Dentistry-Oral Sedation Get Started Today Tell Us About Your Smile; We’re Listening ...
这是Basking Ridge 邮政编码页面。 Basking Ridge 是美国 Somerset, New Jersey 中的城市名称。城市名称由 USPS 指定,可以是城市、城镇、乡村学校名称等。
Ava's Ice Cream located in Basking Ridge, NJ makes delicious homemade ice cream in-house every day!
The Blue Kangaroo Day School in Basking Ridge, New Jersey is looking for full-time Pre-School Teachers. Duties: ◆Educates students by planning and developing course of study. ◆Maintains safe, secure, and healthy educational environment.
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新泽西州-New Jersey-Trenton-特伦顿-Basking Ridge-NJ 州英文名称 New Jersey 州中文名称 新泽西州 州二字代码 NJ 州主要城市 Basking Ridge 州首府名称 Trenton 州首府中文 特伦顿 邮政编码ZIP 07920 地区代码 908,973上一篇: 新泽西州-New Jersey-特伦顿-... 下一篇: 新泽西州-New Jersey-特伦顿-......
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Basking Ridge, NJ 07980 (908) 604-8118 Madison, NJ 07940 (973) 377-3999 5% Senior Discounts Available RL Electrical Contracting in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, is proud to offer quality electrical contracting work at extremely reasonable rates. We provide service to both residential and commercial...
+ 添加翻译 英文-沃拉普克语字典 Basking Ridge Basking Ridge, New Jersey HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource 显示算法生成的翻译 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Basking Ridge"翻译成 沃拉普克语 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 您可以尝试更...