“Complex numbers”2020 Elsevier Inc.At the turn of the 19th century, arithmetic underwent a reform. Lagrange and Delambre developed diverse reflections on this discipline and contributed to the revival of the study of the ancient Greeks' mathematics. Through analyzing Lagrange's lectures on ...
meyeriana complex and HHJJ for the allotetraploid O. ridleyi complex. The results also suggest that the uniqueness of these genomes is not restricted to species-specific highly repetitive DNA sequences, but also applies to dispersed sequences present in single or low to moderate copy numbers. ...
Stem cells are one of the foundational evolutionary novelties that allowed the independent emergence of multicellularity in the plant and animal lineages. In plants, the homeodomain (HD) transcription factor WUSCHEL (WUS) is essential for the maintenance
I describe two activity sets where students explore focal concepts by shifting their balance on rockable balance boards: “the Balance Number Line,” using analog materials to foster understandings of the number line and negative numbers, and “Balance Graphing,” using sensors and a digital ...
Shortening of RNA:DNA hybrid in the elongation complex of RNA polymerase is a prerequisite for transcription termination. Mol. Cell 10, 1151–1162 (2002). Article CAS Google Scholar Larson, M. H., Greenleaf, W. J., Landick, R. & Block, S. M. Applied force reveals mechanistic and ...
A large body of experimental studies has established that, throughout the Herpesviridae, two viral proteins, designated as pUL31 and pUL34 in the alphaherpesviruses herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and pseudorabies virus (PrV), form the heterodimeric nuclear egress complex (NEC; Figure 1A, green...
Mechanisms of reproductive isolation among sympatric broadcast-spawning corals of the Montastraea annularis species complex. Many coral species spawn simultaneously and have compatible gametes, leading to controversy over the nature of species boundaries and the frequency with wh... - 《Evolution》 被引量...
In the case of receiving the RF signals, the RF signal is guadrature- demodulated in a non-coherent way, resulting in 1st and 2nd quadrature base- band signals being obtained, they are sampled in parallel to obtain 1st and 2nd quadrature sample sequences, N-sets of complex numbers are ...
while the association with bacteria may serve a wide variety of functional roles, including nitrogen fixation, sulfur cycling, protection against pathogens, and stress tolerance6,32,33,34,35,36,37. The microbiome associated with reef corals has been reported as one of the most complex and diverse...
Finally, hints of the importance of location are also being detected in complex natural ecosystems. For example, changes in the spacing between Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Streptococcus gordonii determine virulence in oral abscesses [32]. While it is known that location matters, we ...