提示:地址:Piazza di Santa Maria Novella, 50123 Firenze 教堂 游玩时间: 建议1-2小时 电话: +39-55-219257 官方网站: http://www.chiesasantamarianovella.it/ 开放时间: 4月-9月:周一-周四9:00-19:00,周五11:00-19:00;10月-次年3月:周一-周四9:00-17:30,周五11:00-17:30;周六及宗教圣...
http://www.skuola.net/storia-arte/rinascimento-romanticismo/leon-battista-alberti-facciata-di-santa-maria-novella.html 进入教堂里面,顶部的十字交叉尖拱提醒着我们这是第一个佛罗伦萨哥特式风格的教堂,他99米长28米宽,横店61米长,T型平面图,在教堂深处靠近主祭坛处,左右两侧紧密排列小礼拜堂,分别由住在附近的...
Rebuilt in 1294 by Arnolfo di Cambio on the site of a former Franciscan oratory, the basilica is now the largest Franciscan church in the world. It features sixteen chapels decorated with marvelous frescoes by Giotto or Donatello. Giotto depicted the li
SS Annunziata di Firenze Basilica Santissima Annunziata Some churches were built to be monumental The Duomo or the Santa Maria Novella are excellent examples of churches built to impress the people. And then some churches became monumental after their conception, as is the case with the Basilica ...
Santa Maria Novella, Italian Gothic-style church of the Dominicans in Florence. It was planned by two Dominican brothers, Sisto and Ristoro, and construction began c. 1278 and was completed in 1350, except for the facade, which was completed by Leon Batt
http://www./storia-arte/rinascimento-romanticismo/leon-battista-alberti-facciata-di-santa-maria-novella.html 进入教堂里面,顶部的十字交叉尖拱提醒着我们这是第一个佛罗伦萨哥特式风格的教堂,他99米长28米宽,横店61米长,T型平面图,在教堂深处靠近主祭坛处,左右两侧紧密排列小礼拜堂,分别由住在附近的显贵的家族...