The pith is the part of the stem that is in the middle. It is made up of parenchyma cells and helps hold on to nutrients and support the structure. These are the stem points where flowers, leaves, or twigs connect. There are buds at the nodes, which can grow into new leaves or ste...
The leaves of basil have numerous oil glands with aromatic volatile oil. The herb bears cluster of small white lipped flowers in racemes. The freshly picked bright green leaves turns brownish green when dried and become brittle and curled. The major types are American Basil, French Basil, ...
and is used mainly as a spice for cooking delicacies due to its aromatic taste. The plant is popular in Nigeria folk medicine and has been used to manage numerous diseases including rheumatism, paralysis, epilepsy, diarrhea, influenza and gonorrhea. Leaves of the plant are used as a spice...