[Deep Learning] 神经网络编程基础 (Basics of Neural Network Programming) - 逻辑回归-梯度下降-计算图 在神经网络中,假如有m个训练集,我们想把他们加入训练,第一个想到得就是用一个for循环来遍历训练集,从而开始训练。但是在神经网络中,我们换一个计算方法,这就是前向传播和反向传播。 对于逻辑回归,就是找出...
2.16 关于 python _ numpy 向量的说明(A note on python or numpy vectors)参考视频: 2.17 Jupyter/iPython Notebooks快速入门(Quick tour of Jupyter/iPython Notebooks) 2.18 (选修)logistic 损失函数的解释(Explanation of logistic regression cost function) 2.1 二分类(Binary Classification) 这周我们将学习神经网...
;Separates multiple commands to be run under the same Qshell interpreter shell setDisplays the names and values of all shell variables by specifying no options or arguments pwdDisplays the working directory on standard output lsLists directory contents ...
Become a shell native. This is the way. vim linux shell bash docker markdown tmux golang learning yaml education devops json terminal containers pandoc cloud-native lynx beginner basics Updated Mar 30, 2024 wilfredinni / javascript-cheatsheet Sponsor Star 492 Code Issues Pull requests All-...
2.8 向量化的更多例子(More Examples of Vectorization 回到顶部 2.9 向量化逻辑回归(Vectorizing Logistic Regression) 利用前向传播计算预测值a的过程 W:(m,1),X:[x(1),x(2),...x(m)]−(m,nx),b:(1,1)W:(m,1),X:[x(1),x(2),...x(m)]−(m,nx),b:(1,1) ...
$# Used to expands the number of arguments passed to the script. $0 Used to expands to the name of the shell. $1, $2 Used as an input parameter that you can add when running script. exit [0-255] Used to exit the script and return the number from 0 to 255. $ Used for pa...
【吴恩达深度学习专栏】神经网络的编程基础(Basics of Neural Network programming)——逻辑回归(Logistic Regression),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
The course begins by introducing you to the foundational elements of Linux Shell Scripting, guiding you through basic script building and the use of variables to automate repetitive tasks efficiently. As the course progresses, it focuses on more complex concepts such as redirection, arithmetic operatio...
The first window, the Python Shell, is a REPL environment used to run snippets of Python code, typically a single statement at a time. The more you work with Python, the more you’ll come to love the Python Shell, and you’ll be using it a lot as you progress through this book. ...
DOEACC B Level Course -B2.3 Basics of OS, Unix and Shell Programming model question papersDOEACC B Level Course B. Basics of OS