The SAP HANA Streaming Run-Test perspective, for example, includes the Server view, Manual Input view, File Upload view, and Playback view. You can move, minimize, and resize views. Perspective A named set of views. Like views, perspectives are tabbed so several can use the same space....
After reading the S/4HANA Cookbook and most of its referenced files relevant for my expertise(Supply Chains, overall Purchasing and Logistics), my attention was caught by the “Supplier Evaluation by questionnaires” functionality: how different is this new functionality from the one provided by ECC...
SAP HANA is an in-memory data platform that is deployable as an appliance that makes full use of the capabilities of current hardware to increase application performance, to reduce cost of ownership, and to enable new scenarios and applications. SAP HANA was designed to run on multi-core CPUs...
Just a quick post to briefly describe the ABAP code completion functionality in SAP, as it can be a little cumbersome if you don’t know exactly what buttons and settings you need to use to get the best from it. I am going to use theBOPF demo codeto help demonstrate how this autocompl...
HANA是一个软硬件结合体,提供高性能的数据查询功能,用户可以直接对大量实时业务数据进行查询和分析,而不需要对业务数据进行建模、聚合等。 SAP HANA建模基础2018-10-16 上传大小:3.00MB 所需:46积分/C币 hana jdbc 驱动 hana jdbc 驱动hana jdbc 驱动hana jdbc 驱动hana jdbc 驱动hana jdbc 驱动hana jdbc 驱动ha...
Learn Basics of Time Management and advanced configuration of Time evaluation in SAP HCM On-Premise and S/4 HANA systems 最受好评 评分:4.7,满分 5 分4.7(13 个评分) 1,761 个学生 创建者Anurag Kharpate 上次更新时间:11/2023 英语 英语[自动] ...
Short Overview of SAP S/4HANA Core Financial Accounting (FI) Configuration Managing Organizational Units in Financial Accounting (FI) Checking the Basic Settings in General Ledger (G/L) Accounting Outlining the Variant Principle Managing Fiscal Year Variants Master Data Maintaining ...
This is not very technical information, but I have seen still lot of basis folks working on some flavor of Unix do know adequate about aliases provided by SAP and if any fix command is being used frequently then add them to the alias list to make work more simpler. Lets see, which alia...
See how Overlay IPs enable seamless failover of SAP HANA databases and SAP NetWeaver application clusters across AZs, preventing expensive downtimes. Discover the underlying architecture using AWS Transit Gateway, route tables, and Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs). You'll get step-by-step guidance ...
for the inbound and outbound services of the communication scenario to communication users. It grants the authoriziations only from and to a specified partner, the so-called communication system. The administrator of the ABAP environment creates the communication arrangement in the SAP Fiori launch...