Basics of Circuit Design: Logic GatesWayne Wolf
Then to simulate and verify the behavior of your FPGA logic, LabVIEW offers features directly in the development environment. Without knowledge of the low-level HDL language, you can create test benches to exercise the logic of your design. In addition, the flexibility of the LabVIEW environment...
Logic circuits, whether comprised of electromechanicalrelaysor solid-state gates, can be built in many different ways to perform the same functions. There is usually no one “correct” way to design a complex logic circuit, but there are usually ways that are better than others. ...
The OR, AND, and NOT are the three basic logic gates as they together can construct the logic circuit for any given Boolean expression. NOR and NAND gates have the property that they individually can be used to hardware-implement any logic circuit. For this reason, the NAND and NOR gates ...
Ladder Logic is a programming language used to control industrial processes and machinery. It is the most common form of programming in the automation industry. You can use Ladder Logic to program a single machine or an entire manufacturing process.
Physical Structure of PLC The structure of a PLC is almost similar to a computer’s architecture. PLC Block Diagram Programmable Logic Controllers continuously monitor the input values from various input sensing devices (e.g. accelerometer, weight scale, hardwired signals, etc.) and produce correspo...
Learn about the combinational logic gates XOR and XNOR and the usefulness of logic diagrams and De Morgan’s theorem. The Exclusive OR (XOR) gate assumes the logic 1 state if one and only one input assumes the logic 1 state, and the Exclusive NOR (XNOR) gate does the opposite....
Logic differential calculus in multi-valued logic design Logic Differential (LD) Calculus theory is one of the directions of algebra of logic. It is oriented toward solving the Logic Design problems. The achievements of industry on Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) gates has stimulated research on g.....
Another variant ofSCADA componentswidely used is the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). PLCs have replaced hardwired relays with a combination of ladder– logic software and solid state electronic input and output modules. They are often used in the implementation of a SCADA RTU as they offer ...
Logic design is designing circuitry to make decisions based on those “0” and “1” values. A logic design is made up of logical gates to compare two or more different values – to answer questions like: “Are both values the same?” or “Are both values equal to 1?” In addition,...