Cardiac MRI is not limited by acoustic windows or body size and offers comprehensive, noninvasive three-dimensional imaging of cardiac and extracardiac structures. In addition, cardiac MRI provides a quantitative assessment of cardiac function, flow, and myocardial perfusion and viability in a single ...
PixelMed Java DICOM工具包-快速概述 为了说明我计划在本教程系列中涵盖的DICOM的许多方面,我将使用一个称为PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit的免费可用且功能强大的DICOM工具包。这是一个完全独立的DICOM工具包,为DICOM文件和目录处理,图像查看以及与DICOM网络相关的操作提供功能。该工具包对于商业或非营利性用途都是完全免...
[医疗信息化][DICOM教程]1.使用Java的DICOM基础-理解DICOM文件-DICOM Basics using Java - Making Sense of the DICOM File 使用Java的DICOM基础-理解DICOM文件 介绍 这是我有关DICOM标准的系列文章的一部分。在我们开始本教程之前,请快速浏览一下我之前的文章“ DICOM标准简介”,以简短,快速地介绍该标准。请注意...
0x0080) InstitutionName VR=<LO>VL=<0x20><PALOALTOMEDICALFOUNDATIONMRI>(0x0008,0x0090) ReferringPhysicianName VR=<PN>VL=<0xa><Anonymized>(0x0008,0x1010) StationName VR=<SH>VL=<0x8><MROCOC0>(0x0008,0x1030) StudyDescription VR=<LO>VL=<0x4><...
The codes in this range represent a wide variety of Nuclear Medicine procedures, such as PET scans, bone scans, thyroid scans, and cardiac stress tests. Some codes in this range may also be used to indicate the use of radiopharmaceuticals, which are radioactive substances used in Nuclear Medic...
[医疗信息化][DICOM教程]1.使用Java的DICOM基础-理解DICOM文件-DICOM Basics using Java - Making Sense of the DICOM File 使用Java的DICOM基础-理解DICOM文件 内容 介绍 DICOM文件内部的外观 这些术语在DICOM中到底意味着什么-SCU,SCP,SOP和IOD? PixelMed Java DICOM工具包-快速概述 ...
Use of the Intracept Procedure Intraosseous Nerve Ablation System is contraindicated in: Patients with severe cardiac or pulmonary compromise Patients where the targeted ablation zone is < 10 mm away from a sensitive structure not intended to be ablated, including the vertebral foramen (spinal canal...
Use of the Intracept Procedure Intraosseous Nerve Ablation System is contraindicated in: Patients with severe cardiac or pulmonary compromise Patients where the targeted ablation zone is < 10 mm away from a sensitive structure not intended to be ablated, including the vertebral foramen (spinal canal...
moment. A single nucleus does not generate a large enough nuclear magnetic moment to be observable, but the conglomeration of large numbers of nuclei (˜1015) arranged in a non-random orientation generates an observable nuclear magnetic moment of the sample, from which th...
1.Do not perform elective surgery on children of any age.Strictly speaking, there are no purely elective surgeries that we perform in children younger than adolescence. But there are a number of radiological procedures, especially MRI, that on the surface, appear to have no evidenced-based indic...