Bhagavad Gita (buhg-uh-vuhd-gee-tah)– The oldestSanskrit book on yogathat is embedded in the larger Mahabharata epic. This text contains the teachings onkarma yoga, samkhya yoga, and bhakti yoga. Bhakti (bahk-ti)– Thepractice of cultivating love and devotiondirected toward the Divine. Bik...
Explore the vast world of spiritual texts and literature to find inspiration and guidance. Some popular options include the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, or the Tao Te Ching. These texts provide a deep spiritual insight into the nature of reality and offer guidance on how ...
I have been reading about yoga and practicing pranayama since I was a teenager, my favourite book is the bhagavad gita, and I love reading books by sivananda and easwaran. A couple years ago I discovered a very rare book called the shiva samhita and I’m sending you a chapter which I ...
You even spelled “BHAGAVAD GITA” as ” Vagvat Geeta” and you’re saying that you’ve been reading all vedas and upanishads to your blind grandfather since childhood. Knowing some Sanskrit quotes doesn’t show that you have been into vedas and Yoga. It’s time that you should really pra...