Let us see come of the very useful pins of the microcontroller with their functions. ALE: As 8051 is based on Harvard architecture. It has separate Program & data memory connected externally. This external memory is access using 16 lines, in which 8 lines are also used as data lines apart...
To be specific the 8051 microcontroller is an 8-bit family of microcontroller and used across worldwide. “System on a chip” is the other synonym the 8051 microcontroller has got and ingredients like 128 bytes of RAM, four ports on a single chip, 2 Timers, 1 Serial port and 4Kbytes of...
This is the one of the useful function of a microcontroller. A microcontroller may have more than one timer and counters. The timers and counters provide all timing and counting functions inside the microcontroller. The major operations of this section are performed clock functions, modulations, pul...
PIC microcontroller gives a fantastic way of making projects. This microcontroller is a processor with built in memory & RAM, these are used to control the projects. PIC microcontroller has various useful built in modules like timers, EEPROM, UART andanalog comparators.Even with just these four m...
This project is designed to develop arobotic vehiclethat is controlled by the cell phone. This is based on 8051 microcontroller. The two cell phone controls the robot as per requirement. One cell phone is connected to the robot and another one is user cell. When a key pressed on user cell...
This type of controllers is used in industrial applications for controlling the temperature of devices. It also displays the temperature on 1 LCD displays in the range of –55°C to +125°C. At the heart of the circuit is the microcontroller from 8051 family which controls all its functions...
1.4) Microcontroller Unit (MCU) Suppose we integrate all the modules of a Single Board Microcomputer inside a single chip, then it becomes aMicrocontroller. Microcontrollers have the following functional blocks built inside a single IC. ·CPU ...
I have also seen commercial pulse oximeters using MCUs like the 8051, C8051F120, ATMega128, dsPic, and the like. Pulse oximeters have evolved continuously since their introduction and currently incorporate state-of-the-art digital signal processing. Companies like Masimo and Nellcor have created...
Also note that the TX and RX of the UART must be tied together. In case the TX output is not an open-drain output, it will need to be inverted and then drive the gate of an NFET with the open drain tied to the RX input. See Figure 1. Microcontroller UART RX TX Vcc HDQ HDQ ...
A Sequentiallogic circuitis a form of the binary circuit; its design employs one or more inputs and one or more outputs, whose states are related to some definite rules that depend on previous states. Both the inputs and outputs can reach either of the two states: logic 0 (low) or log...