The starting point was selective coding, in which the data were identified and related to the pre-established dimensions (consistency, relevance, sufficiency, writing), with a certain margin for the incorporation of elements that emerged inductively (Gibbs, 1997). Thus, the analysis involved a ...
From my rubric: "Formulates strategies for improving intercultural communication including CQ (x1)." What does CQ mean? What peculiarities can one find amongst francophone speaking countries aside from the official language, French? Apa...
In Spanish “alfabetización informacional”, a literal translation of the form “information literacy”, is closely related to the “literacy” concept (“literacy training”), a term that is most people usually associate with basic skills like: reading, writing and arithmetic. We have here a ...
Firstly, all stakeholders mention factors that can be summarized under the rubric “flexibility to develop tailored responses” by teachers. Young carers and parents point out their wish to be treated with consideration. Parents, in particular, express concern about whether teachers will respond ...
Related to writing essays, I could see how I could easily fall into this trap of thinking that fast is good. I have such limited time in the day to work on school assignments, that I think that whatever I can manage to get done must be the best possible work that I’m capable of ...
Barclay did much to help Stott to "break free" and face the intellectual challenges of the modern world courageously and honestly. In his later ministry this would lead Stott to do more than any other evangelical leader to unite social concern and evangelism under the rubric of mission. Derek...