Examples: phone <--- Mount your remote user's $HOME folder in `phone` phone:/tmp <--- Mount the remote `tmp` folder in `phone` Hostphonewill be mounted at${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nnn/mounts/phone. If you need to pass options to thesshfscommand, you can do so: export...
Use Case Precautions Development Procedure General Card Recognition Service Introduction Use Case Precautions Development Procedure Language-related Services Text Translation Service Introduction Use Case Precautions Development Procedure Language Detection Service Introduction Use Case Precaut...
Currently, the repository includes utilities for encoding and decoding text, converting strings to bits and vice versa, performing bitwise XOR operation, finding modular inverse, and sanitizing input. Here are some examples: Encoding and Decoding Utilities ...
A few examples: Statements such as a System.Void-returning ConditionalExpression, which corresponds to If..Then and If..Then..Else..End If (in C# known as if (...) { ...} else { ... }); or a TryCatchExpression representing a Try..Catch or a try { ... } catch (...)...
You can use the In and Out modifiers on your custom interfaces and delegates. Many commonly used interfaces and delegates in the .NET Framework 4 have already been marked as variant; common examples include all the Action/Func delegates, IEnumerable(Of T), IComparer(Of T) and IQueryable(Of...
An example of a simple random sample would be to choose the names of 25 employees out of a hat from a company of 250 employees. In this case thepopulationis all 250 employees, and the sample is random because each employee has an equal chance of being chosen. Random sampling is used in...
Examples include property accessors and custom event accessors. AddHandlerAccessorStatement() Represents a Get or Set accessor on a property declaration or an AddHandler, RemoveHandler or RaiseEvent accessor on a custom event declaration. The Kind of the node determines what kind of accessor this ...
Examples include property accessors and custom event accessors. RemoveHandlerAccessorBlock 86 Represents an accessor block member declaration: A declaration that has a beginning declaration, a body of executable statements and an end statement. Examples include property accessors and custom event accessor...
The following examples describe how to specify a filter mode in a command. Example 1: Use the Directory|Files regular expression to filter the display pm brief command output. <HUAWEI> display pm brief | exclude Directory|Files Statistics Status : disable Statistics Start Time : - Current Statis...
The following examples describe how to specify a filter mode in a command. Example 1: Run the display interface brief command to display all the lines that do not match the regular expression Ethernet|NULL|Tunnel. Ethernet|NULL|Tunnel matches Ethernet, NULL or Tunnel. <Huawei> display interface...