文档介绍:Basic Wine KnowledgeOutlineGrape VarietiesTypes of WinesOld World Wines TrainingNew World Wines TrainingFood and Wine MatchingGrape Varieties葡萄品种Summary 摘要8,000 grape varieties known in the world 世界上目前已知的葡萄品种有8000种1,000 grape varieties used for wine around the world 世界...
葡萄酒知识大全及酒桌礼仪培训Basic wine course-中英文
•GrapeVarieties•TypesofWines•OldWorldWinesTraining•NewWorldWinesTraining•FoodandWineMatching GrapeVarieties葡萄种类 Summary 摘要 •8,000grapevarietiesknownintheworld • 世界上目前的葡萄种类有8000种 •1,000grapevarietiesusedforwinearoundtheworld • 世界上大约有1000种葡萄被制成葡萄酒 •200...
With over 1300 types of wine out there, it’s better to start with just the basics. Discover the most popular high quality wine varieties–from Albariño to Zinfandel. In the Wine for Beginners Chart , you’ll find them arranged by color. Sparkling Wines Dry White, Rich White and Sweet...
Types of Wine 葡萄酒种类;Types of Wine (By wine making process);葡萄酒种类 (按生产工艺分);Types of Wine (By service sequence during a meal);葡萄酒种类 (按用餐时上酒顺序 ); Main Wine Regions 主要葡萄酒产区;;Old World VS New World 旧世界VS新世界;;French Wines 法国葡萄酒 ;French Wine...
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1.什么是葡萄酒/Whatisthewine.4 葡萄酒是由新鲜的葡萄汁经过发酵而产生了酒精的一种饮料。/Thewineisanalcoholicdrinkmadefromthefermentedfreshjuiceofgrape.发酵是由酵母菌起作用的一个自然的过程。/Fermentationisnaturalprocesscausedbyyeast.酵母菌的作用是把葡萄汁中的糖转化成了酒精和二氧化碳气体。
Red wine Phenolic compounds HPLC PCA (+PLS) Relationship between phenolic compounds and antioxidant power 2001 [19] Honeys All chemicals between 9000-4000 cm-1 IR (NIR) PCA, LDA Classification 2002 [19] Table 1. Examples of analytical work on various food products, involving the PCA (and/or...
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