Transformational leadershipLeader-member exchangeTrust leadershipCross-cultural leadership issuesOver time one or more theories has occupied a prominent place in academic leadership research. While leadership constructs may manifest differently in specific contexts, trust usually is a part of any...
系介绍 话剧电影系分为话剧专业和电影专业。话剧是以文学的形式成立的戏剧,以公演艺术的形态在舞台上实现;电影是通过影像和音响对生活和人类的洞察进行形象化的综合艺术。 话剧电影系是培养将话剧和电影认知为以‘生活和人类的根源反思’为基础的人文学综合艺术,具备创造能力和美学基础的人才。因此,在话剧电影系,通过...
Managers' theories of subordinates: A cross-cultural examination of manager perceptions of motivation and appraisal of performance The present study sought to examine the relationship between managers' perceptions of employee motivation and performance appraisal by surveying managers a... SE Devoe,SS Iyeng...
b. Describe how a business may use trade theories to develop its business strategies. Use Porter's four determinants for the explanation. Identify the three fundamental assumptions of the field of organizational behavior. Discuss the ways that an understanding of game theory ...
We will speed up the establishment of a system of "academic theory" to interpret Chinese practice with Chinese theories To develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, we need to constantly explore in practice and theory, and use the theory of development to guide the practice of development. ...
In this chapter, the authors propose to discuss the behavioral theory of the firm, the debates over it, and the relevance of existing theories of organization to a revised theory of the firm. There is disagreement about the theory of the firm in three respects: 1) what the theory is 2)...
Future research should incorporate social exchange theory with alternative theories like organizational justice, social identity, and person-environment fit. Empirical research should also examine mediators such as organizational justice, talent perception congruence, proactive behaviors, and moderators like ...
uphold the Party's leadership,attach importance to the role of instructors and students' leaders and strengthen the management and supervision,so as to ... J Wu,X Yang - 《Journal of Guilin Normal College》 被引量: 5发表: 2009年 The Crises and Future of Comparative Politics Theories,problems...
CHAPTER-01BASICCONCEPTSOFSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT(SM)ALMA.SHAMEEM 6May2020 1 LearningObjectives Afterstudyingthischapter,youshouldbeabletodothefollowing:•Definethetermstrategicmanagement(SM)•DescribetheSMprocess.•Explaintheneedforintegratinganalysisandintuitioninstrategic management.•Explainthebenefitsofstrategic...