In this blog post I’m going to show a gallery of some Graal graphs for basic Java language constructs, and explain what each part of the graph means and what we can learn from this to understand how Java is compiled and optimized. A little bit of history is that compilers traditionally ...
The variant of VRPTW considered in this paper, namely TRPTW for Technician Routing Problem with Time Windows, is described by using the terminology from [18]. The routing optimization concerns a set of I vehicles with J requests and denoted jobs or interventions, in different locations of custom...
The variant of VRPTW considered in this paper, namely TRPTW for Technician Routing Problem with Time Windows, is described by using the terminology from [18]. The routing optimization concerns a set of I vehicles with J requests and denoted jobs or interventions, in different locations of custom...
Using terminology from programming, we can say that the functional decomposition produces LUT-based circuits with “spaghetti-type” interconnections. A chip area occupied by a LUT-based FSM circuit is determined mostly by the number of LUTs and the system of their interconnections. Obviously, to ...