In the article is mentioned that for the inhabitants in Samokov hollow the gates of the church are not only a border (as it is the traditional belief) but it is also the entrance to the Far World. This example shows that very often the Orthodox Christianity in it...
In the article is mentioned that for the inhabitants in Samokov hollow the gates of the church are not only a border (as it is the traditional belief) but it is also the entrance to the Far World. This example shows that very often the Orthodox Christianity in its concrete shows and the...
In time there was a similar recovery of evangelical strength in numbers and influence on both sides of the Atlantic. Just as in America evangelicals united in a host of new organizational initiatives in youth work, mission, education, and evangelism, so also in Britain there were similar ventur...
Greek was not only the language of administration and literature but also played a crucial role in the spread of Orthodox Christianity. The linguistic shift signifies the Byzantine Empire's unique identity, which influenced the cultural landscape of Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Rate this ...