THE BASIC TEACHINGS OF BUDDHISMAh, love, let us be true To one another! for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams, So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; And we are ...
The Basic Issues-An AnalysisFocuses on the history of the Jewish people and tradition in the U.S. Presentation on the beliefs of the Jewish people; Importance of the teachings of Judaism; Enhancement on the systems of the religious laws and behav...
theapostolic teachings,aswellasonJudaismandGreekPhilosophy.Also,theAncient OrientalReligions–especiallythoseoftheGreek-Romanperiod,i.e.the Gnosticism-exertedaninfluenceonit.ThePatristicThoughtandtheAncient GreekPhilosophywerethetwomainpedestalsofByzantinePhilosophy.But, wecannotseparatecompletelyPatristicthoughtfromthe...
Judaic teachings distinguish, moreover, between idolatry that involves moral corruption and monotheistic faiths, which are highly respected.Judaism does not recognize freedom of religion for its members. It does sanction, however, freedom within religion. Judaic teachings are replete with diverse opinions...
Thus, the major world religions typically possess doctrines, myths, ethical and social teachings, rituals, social institutions, and inner experiences and sentiments. These dimensions lie behind the creation of buildings, art, music, and other such extensions of basic beliefs and attitudes. But not ...