In this chapter we will show some basic HTML examples.Don't worry if we use tags you have not learned about yet.HTML DocumentsAll HTML documents must start with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>.The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>....
<body> 就是正文部分了,如果是一篇文章的话,这里就包括了文章的标题,段落等各个部分。 如果把一个网页比做一个句子,那html就是句子的主干,也就是名词,CSS就是句子的形容词,用来形容HTML文件, Javascript就是句子的动词,执行相关的动作。 常用的Tag: <h1>~<h6> 这六个tags 就是一系列大小不同的标题(heading...
Headings and Sections HTML Text Formatting
strip_tags() 函数剥去 HTML、XML 以及 PHP 的标签 定义和用法 strip_tags() 函数剥去 HTML、XML 以及 PHP 的标签。 语法 参数 描述 string 必需。规定要检查的字符串。 allow 可选。规定允许的标签。这些标签不会被删除。 提示和注释 注释:该函数始终会剥离 HTML 注释。这点无法通过 allow 参数改变。
Basic Tags: Intro to HTML Tagging in eLearning ContentPamela Hogle
HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags <h1> defines the most important heading. <h6> defineds the least important heading: Example <h1>This is heading 1</h1> <h2>This is heading 2</h2> <h3>This is heading 3</h3> ...
If you are an expert HTML user, you may use few more tags shown below, but do not try to use them if you are not absolutely sure how to use them: <LI> <I> <EM> <H3> <A HREF=''> <IMG> Tags that are NEVER allowed in ANY posts: ...
aWe choose to describe a basic “Hello world” example, in order to show how easy is to integrate a custom Gmap in a webpage. The code can be divided in two parts: the JavaScript part (between the “Head” tags) and the html part (between the “Body” tags). In the JavaScript ...
While we aren't going to delve deeply into the meaning of all the HTML elements, we want to point out a few important items. Themetatag indicatesmetadatainformation that isn't typically visible to the viewer unless they view the source code in their browser. Meta elements or tags provide ...
You can use standard HTML anchor tags (<a name="unique-anchor-name"></a>) to create navigation anchor points for any location in the document. To avoid ambiguous references, use a unique naming scheme for anchor tags, such as adding a prefix to the name attribute va...