1、路由器基本配置Basic Configuration of Router教学目标( Objectives )1. 路由器功能( Function of Router )2.路由器组成(Router Components )3.超级终端会话属性(HyperTerminal Session Properties)4. Router配置模式(Router Configuration Mode ) 5.路由器基本配置(Basic Configuration of Router)Router功能(Function ...
1.主要存储路由表、ARP缓存、快速交换表和包队列等Storesroutingtables,ARPcache,fast-switchingcache,andpacketholdqueues;2.存储正在运行的配置文件RAMalsoprovidestemporaryand/orrunningmemoryforarouter'sconfigurationfilewhiletherouterispowered;3.掉电或重启动内容丢失RAMcontentislostduringapowerdownorrestart ©2006...
Switch stacking is a feature of certain Cisco access layer switches which allows for the creation of a single logical device from many individual devices via
This document describes the configurations of Basic, including CLI Overview, EasyDeploy Configuration, USB-based Deployment Configuration, Logging In to a Device for the First Time, CLI Login Configuration, Web System Login Configuration, File Management
Enters configuration mode on the loopback interface. Step 2 (Option 1)ip addressip-addressmask Example: Router(config-if)#ip address Sets the IP address and subnet mask on the loopback interface. (If you are configuring an IPv6 addre...
Configuration Roadmap Log in to the switch through the console port. Perform basic configurations on the switch. Procedure Log in to the switch from PC1 through the console port. For details, see First Login Through the Console Port. Perform basic configurations on the switch. # Set the syste...
Router(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 Enters the configuration mode for an interface on the router. Step 2 ip address ip-address mask Example: Router(config-if)# ip address Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the specified inter...
Router配 置模式( Router Configuration Mode ) 5.路由器基本配置( Basic Configuration of Router) 2006 Shenzhen Polytechnic. All rights reserved. 3 Router功 能( Function of Router )Router是 第三层的网络设备( Router is layer 3 device) :1. 路由选择和交换( Routing and Switching)2. 网络分段( 3、...
However, note that “switch” is a generic term for network devices that may function as bridges, or routers, or even both, depending on their feature sets and configuration. The point is that as far as network experts are concerned, bridging and routing are different kinds of packet ...
The configuration takes effect at the next protocol or RIB process switchover. Procedure (IPv4) 1.Enter system view. system-view 2.Enter RIB view. rib 3.Create the RIB IPv4 address family and enter its view. address-family ipv4 4.Set the maximum lifetime for IPv4 routes and labels in th...