doi:10.4013/rechtd.2019.113.02Ragone, SabrinaRevista de Estudos Constitucionais, Hermenêutica e Teoria do Direito
to preliminarily generalize the elements of ways to govern the Party based on inner-Party laws and regulations,namely the construction of institutional elements,the formation of implementation elements,and the application of cultural elementssupports all the CNKI file formats;only supports the PDF format...
State The condition of the system as regards its form, structure or constitution. Degrees of Freedom A set of state variables that uniquely characterizes the state. Abbr.: DOF. Kinematic DOF A DOF that is directly linked to the system geometry; e.g., a displacement. Input The set of all...
Company Constitution:Previously known as Memorandum andArticles of Association, this document sets out the company's fundamental rules and the relationships between key actors. You can either customise your own Constitution or adoptACRA's Model Constitution. Consent to Act Forms:Each director and the ...
Get PDF (821K) Law can be viewed as a network of small group interaction. Basic characteristics of legal systems govern the interaction and permeate each individual small group. The rule structure within a small group forms a kind of behavioral constitution containing provisions on fundamental poli...
Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles, establishing the structure, procedures, powers and duties, of the government and spells out the fundamental rights, directive principles and duties of citizens. Pas...
In addition, through three-dimensional (3D) structure which could simulate cell microenvironment in order to promote cell growth, it can not only provide enough space for cells, but also favor the growth of cell adhesion, matrix deposition, oxygen and nutrients, and conducive to blood vessels ...
《联邦宪法》规定了美国最基本的政治结构一三权分立与相互制衡,使美国成为资产阶级国家依 After the independence in the American establishment monarchy republican system question, formulated "Federation Constitution" through 1787 to stipulate an American most basic politics structure separation of powers with ...
Structure of the incompatibility gene. I. Spontaneous mutation rate. Heredity, 2, 2 19-236. LEWIS, D. 5949. Structure of the incompatibility gene. II. Induced mutation rate. Heredity, 3, 339-355. LEWIs, D. 1951. Structure of the incompatibility gene. III. Types of spontaneous and induced...
1 its crystal structure “…remains a mystery”. First crystallographic evidence for the presence of fcc-carbon in synthetic diamonds was reported in the classical work of ref. 2. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) from diamond grits obtained at high temperatures and ultra-high pressures showed, apart...