mutual funds 共有基金;property 不动产地产;fixed deposit 定期储蓄; mortgage 抵押贷款;cash-rich 现金充足;debt 债务 in debt 负债;hedge funds 对冲基金;speculate 投机;stock market 股市; remortgage 再抵押借款;pay off debts 偿清债务; major assets 主要资产本文...
Short Position– A “short”, “short position”, or “short selling” is a trading strategy where the investor sells shares of borrowed stock in the open market. The expectation of the investor is that the price of the stock will decrease over time, at which point the he will purchase t...
IELTS vocabulary (basic)Vocabularyexercise Sublist1:servicepresentgoverngeneral •Thesecoursesarebasedaroundtopicsof___interest.•Inthe___economicclimate,investorsshouldbecautious.•Atacabinetmeetingthatdaysheannouncedstrictermeasures___theuseofcarsincitiesduringpeakpollutionperiods.•Social___departmentswerestr...
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary 参教材 可加入方法意义等 Chapter1Lexicology:Introduction ❖Chapter1givesageneralintroductiontolexicology,ascientificdefinitionofaword,discussestherelationshipbetweensoundandmeaning,betweensoundandform,betweenwordsandvocabulary,putsforwardthethreemainprinciplesoflexical...
Market Capitalization + Interest Bearing Debt + Preferred Stock - Excess Cash Preferred stock Stock that entitles the shareholders shares in the equity of the company. Stock that entitles the owner to higher dividends, whose payment precedes those of common stock dividends.Convertible securities fall ...
The fact that the GPTs are useless is surprising. After all, stock investing discussions about P/Es are not some obscure, arcane field of human knowledge. The more you examine it, the more you see it has a fairly repetitive set of a talking points and data points and a vocabulary...
Vocabulary 17個詞語 tmpryor08 預覽 Fall strategy 64個詞語 shae_lynn3 預覽 Econ quiz 4 11個詞語 ckostola 預覽 Ch 18 35個詞語 couyang005 預覽 econ test 2 34個詞語 kelseygail 預覽 Vocab ch 6 World Geo 28個詞語 Vincent_Licata10 預覽 G202 Exam 3 47個詞語 Kelsey_Johnson265 預覽 Real Estat...
BasicConceptsofWordsandVocabulary Whatislexicology?Lexicologyisabranchoflinguisticsconcernedwiththestudyofthevocabularyofagivenlanguage.Itdealswithwords,theirorigin,development,structure,formation,meaningandusage.Inshort,itisthestudyofthesignificationandapplicationofwords.WhatIsaWord?Awordisaminimalfreeformofalanguage...
Many young people graduate without a basic understanding of money and money management, business, the economy, and investing. We hope to help teachers, parents, individuals, and institutions teach these skills, while reinforcing basic math, reading, vocabulary, and other important skills. JoinNavigati...
2.4.1 Basic Word Stock and Non-basic Word Stock Basic Word Stock The basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language. Small in amount, it is the most important part of the English vocabulary. These words ...