Enterthe amount of basic salary and HRA forMayinC5andC6. InD5use this formula tomultiplyC5by12to calculate the annual basic salary. =C5*12 Using the same formula, multiplyC6by12or drag the Fill HandletoD6to copy the formula. Enter this formula inD7to calculate the actual HRA on basic ...
Solved: Hello SAP experts, I have been given an assignment to show my manager the HRA amount reflecting in payslip of my basic salary which is 25K. HRA is to be deducted
Is having higher basic salary good? "Generally, ahigher basic pay enhances the tax exemption limit for HRA. It also increases contribution towards retirement benefits like provident fund (usually 12 per cent of the basic pay) and superannuation fund, which means a lower take-home salary," says...
public void CalculateEmpSal(int empId,int salary) // local varibles int HRA; Basic = salry * (0.40);HRA = Basic * (0.50);} 是否可以为可以访问Basic</em 浏览1提问于2015-06-26得票数 4 1回答 C#:反序列化JSON 、、 我对反序列化JSON有个问题{ "api_result_msg": "OK", "api_basi...