This Basic of Pistol Shooting course takes place in a traditional outdoor range environment. This course may be completed in a single day format or over several days with smaller blocks of instruction. Course topics include: gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pisto...
Handgun Uses- Where we discuss the common uses of pistols. Basic Firearms Safety- Which covers the four fundamental rules of firearm safety. Safe Handling of Firearms- Which discusses additional safety rules while shooting. Ammunition- Where you'll see the parts of a firearm cartridge. ...
Handgun Uses- Where we discuss the common uses of pistols. Basic Firearms Safety- Which covers the four fundamental rules of firearm safety. Safe Handling of Firearms- Which discusses additional safety rules while shooting. Ammunition- Where you'll see the parts of a firearm cartridge. ...
2 OrientationGoal Toprovidebeginningshooterswiththe knowledge,skills,andattitudenecessarytoshoot apistolsafelyunderthedirectsupervisionofa NRACertifiedPistolInstructor. 3 NRAGunSafetyRules ALWAYSkeepyourgunpointedina safedirection ALWAYSkeepyourfingeroffthetrigger untilreadytoshoot ALWAYSkeepyourgununloadeduntil readyto...