数据很多时,BRAT导出速度慢,但用matlab却很快,原因不明。 导出的数据可能会有问题,比如cycle号出现了小数(cycle号只能是整数),原因不明。 用BRAT会让人忽略掉数据的结构,如果我问测距值(range)是由什么确定的?它不是由经纬度确定的,1hz的range是由time一个维度确定的,20hz的range是由time和meas_ind两个维度共同...
测试python则可以。 在安装目录下就有测试程序,比如我的目录是C:\Program Files\brat-3.3.0\examples,python中的程序大概如下: fileNames = [currentDirectory +'/j2.nc'] recordName ='data'selection =''# 'lon_mwr_l1b > 10 && lon_mwr_l1b < 40'expressions = ['lon','lat']# ['lat_mwr_l1b'...
The Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox is an "allaltimeter" collection of tools, tutorials and documents designed to facilitate the use of radar altimetry data, including the next mission to be launched, Saral. It has been available from April 2007, and had been demonstrated during training courses ...
首先下载工具包,解压后放在以下路径: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\toolbox\rvctools 使用时,命令行输入startup_rvc 启动该工具箱 打开例程 >>rtbdemo ... 一颗蘋果 0 1687 LeetCode 772. Basic Calculator III 2019-12-08 08:35 − 原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/basic-calculator...
Radar Altimetry Practical Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox ( BRAT )Rosmorduc, V
(RAT) taking into account 15 years of efforts in outreach on satellite altimetry, as well as the need of information of new users An "Open Source" Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox (BRAT) able of handling several altimetry missions' data products, of performing advanced data processing, and of ...