那么,为什么说 Python 是新的 BASIC 呢?答案很简单:因为 Python 已经成为非程序员群体首选的编程语言。它已经达到了“临界质量”(critical mass),可以说 Python 已经赢得了胜利! 当然,这更多只是一种观察而不是原因。实际上,我并不清楚为何人们最初倾向于选择 Python,但如果要我猜,可能是以下几点的综合作用: ● ...
证明Python 统治地位的铁证 尽管我成年后有意避开了 Python,但最近我还是向它妥协了——我用 Python 写了一个个人工具程序。原因很简单:我知道 Python 拥有我需要的一切,而且我相信 Python 的生态系统已足够稳固,能让我写的程序在未来很长时间内都能运行。 所以,如果连我这样一个讨厌 Python 的人都默认使用 Pyth...
虽然 Python 有着基于缩进的“优雅”代码块结构,但我个人觉得其语法并不美观(比如格式化字符串、星号运算符的重载、条件位于中间的三元运算符等等)。此外,Python 在版本更新时打破兼容性的频率也超出了我的预期(甚至容忍度)。而且,尽管 Python 的包生态系统非常广泛,但也因此带来了我对供应链的担忧。 然而,尽管我有...
README Basic-python For Beginners learning git and git hub basics. No Spam! #hacktoberfest #hactoberfest@2022 #hacktober-accecpted #beginner-friendly #basic-python This repo is for Beginners learning Git and git hub basics Add python programs only .Spam Not AllowedAbout...
就编程语言面言,BASIC(“Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”,即初学者通用符号指令代码)并不是我今天会选择的语言。 当然,在它最初于上世纪 60 年代诞生时,行号和单字符标识符确实是一种进步。 可到了它的全盛时期(我主观认为是在 70 年代末到 80 年代初),开发者已经有了更好的选择,例如 Pa...
原文链接:https://log./posts/programming-languages/python-as-a-modern-basic.html 翻译| 郑丽媛 出品| CSDN(ID:CSDNnews) 在编程语言的领域中,BASIC(“Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”,即初学者通用符号指令代码)并不是如今我会选择使用的语言。诚然,在它最初于上世纪 60 年代诞生时,行号...
เขียนโปรแกรมภาษา Python เบื้องต้น pythonbasic-programming UpdatedJun 6, 2024 Python Ratheshprabakar/C-Complete-practice Star75 This repository will contains C programs from beginners to advance level ...
For beginners new to Ansible and unfamiliar with its workings, it can take time to remember all the necessary commands at once. To address this issue, we have created an Ansible cheat sheet that serves as a handy reference for getting started with the basics of Ansible. This cheat sheet pro...
Basic C++ programs are designed to introduce fundamental programming concepts and syntax to beginners. A typical simple C++ program involves declaring variables, taking input from the user, performing basic arithmetic operations, and displaying results. The iostream library is often used for input and ...
While ... them anyway, unless you have a particular need for new features or bug fixes. The ... Download | Save Jython ... of the Python language that enables you to compile Python source code to Java byte codes, and run the resulting ... Download | Save ...