milk shake is prepd. from (A) a powdered milk shake compsn. contg. 66-78 (76.47) g extra-fine sugar, 26-33 (30)g vol.-raising whipping-up component, 1.2-2.4 (1.2)g "Viscarin" (RTM) as thickener, 0.1-0.6 (0.2)g flavouring agent, 0.1-1 g (0.1)g milk protein and 0.02-1 (...
We are busy people and I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the time to make myself multiple breakfasts. This drink gives you everything you need, your drink, your carbs, nutrients, protein, iron, etc. It’s all there. ...
So try to keep track of how much water you drink. Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink. Make a conscious effort to remind yourself I need to drink water. Lets not forget that drinking some warm liquid will help lift your spirits. Tips to keeping hydrated: * Unless you are being...
until the instant you are ready to use it and never leave it open to the environment. Return the cover as soon as you are finished. • If you remove a cap or cover, and have to put it down on the work surface, place the cap with opening facing down. • Use only sterile ...