milk shake is prepd. from (A) a powdered milk shake compsn. contg. 66-78 (76.47) g extra-fine sugar, 26-33 (30)g vol.-raising whipping-up component, 1.2-2.4 (1.2)g "Viscarin" (RTM) as thickener, 0.1-0.6 (0.2)g flavouring agent, 0.1-1 g (0.1)g milk protein and 0.02-1 (...
We are busy people and I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the time to make myself multiple breakfasts. This drink gives you everything you need, your drink, your carbs, nutrients, protein, iron, etc. It’s all there. ...
Concerned whether her vegetarian sons abstemious diet provided him with sufficient protein, the worried mother pressed food on him. abstinence N. /节制(饮食)/restraint from eating or drinking. The doctor recommended total abstinence from salted foods. abstain,V. abstract ADJ. /抽象的/theoretical; ...