There is a big difference between reading about fire starting and having the skills needed to start a fire. It is especially important to practice building a fire in adverse weather. Spend a night out in the cold wilderness and you will quickly learn to appreciate the benefits of a fire. F...
milk shake is prepd. from (A) a powdered milk shake compsn. contg. 66-78 (76.47) g extra-fine sugar, 26-33 (30)g vol.-raising whipping-up component, 1.2-2.4 (1.2)g "Viscarin" (RTM) as thickener, 0.1-0.6 (0.2)g flavouring agent, 0.1-1 g (0.1)g milk protein and 0.02-1 (...
Bottom sand filtration - good and bad Benefits: the operation principle is simple and easy to understand Easy operation Quiet operation Disadvantages: solid waste is forced into the sand bed, because it takes a long time for such solids to be broken down or not to be broken down. But in ...
The annuity he setup with the insurance company supplements his social security benefits so that he can live very comfortably without working. annul v. /避免/make void. The parents of the eloped couple tried to annul the marriage. anoint V. /神圣化/consecrate. The prophet Samuel anointed ...