Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic MaterialsG BER TOTTI, F FIORILLO et P MAZZETTI : Basic principles of magnetization processes and origin of losses in soft magnetic materials. Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 112(1-3):146-149, 1992....
Fundamental aspects of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique which is one of the preferred modalities for non-invasive clinical applications and “in vivo” medical and biological research, are presented. The physical principles of MRI and protocols recently introduced to investigate the microsc...
This Perspective aims to bridge this gap by delivering a brief, accessible guide to the physical principles governing magnetic skyrmions. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals Get Nature+, our ...
Explain the basic principles of a cyclotron. Why were the magnets invented? What is difference between electricity and magnetism? You have two similar magnets, how do you judge which one is stronger without using another magnet? Why are the magnetic fields of superconducting magnets often stronger...
Basic Principles of Detection of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Vladimir I. Chizhik, Yuri S. Chernyshev, Alexey V. Donets, Vyacheslav V. Frolov, Andrei V. Komolkin, Marina G. Shelyapina $33.95 / €28.5 / £22.95 * Buy eBook Buy this eBook $189.00 / €142.79 / £122.00* ...
Chapter 1 – Magnetism of materials occurring in the environment—Basic overviewChapter 1 – Magnetism of materials occurring in the environment—Basic overviewThis introductory chapter presents the basic principles and geophysical as well as pedologic information necessary for further clear underst...
First-principles investigation of BiFeO3 and related multiferroic materials In this thesis we used ab-initio methods, based on density functional theory, to study the basic properties of BFO and proposed possible strategies for enhancing its response. We used rst-principles methods to perform a system...
In this article, we will take a deeper look at eMRAM based on the fundamental principles of MRAM. DRAM and MRAM: What’s the Difference? DRAM has evolved with a continued decrease in cell size, an increase in integration density, and bandwi...
StudydesigninfMRI:Basicprinciples EdsonAmaroJr. a,b,¤ ,GarethJ.Barker a a NeuroimagingResearchGroup,InstituteofPsychiatry,King’sCollege,UniversityCollege,London,UK b InstituteofRadiology,LIM44—FaculdadedeMedicina,UniversidadedeSãoPaulo,Brazil
First-principles calculation of nonlinear magneto-optical effects has become an indispensable tool to reveal the geometric and topological nature of electronic states and to understand light-matter interactions. While intriguingly rich physics could emerge in magnetic materials, further methodological ...