The RealDomain package contains a small subset of Maple commands related to basic precalculus and calculus mathematics, for example, arccos, limit, and log, and the symbolic manipulation of expressions and formulae, for example, expand, eval, and solve. For a complete list of commands, refer ...
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In markdown notes, it’s easy to insert simple mathematical formulas with plain LaTeX. However, I’m always forget some basic characters for equations. So, let’s take a short review based on the note “LaTeX math for undergrads”.
The neutral formulas are basically salty water and/or baking soda rinse (0.9 % saline and/or 0.5 % sodium bicarbonate solution, respectively) [7, 13]. Oral rinses with active agents can be combined as long as there is no antagonism between the active agents (for example, calcium phosphate ...
We saw such model formulas earlier when we computed the correlation coefficient using the get_correlation() function in Subsection 5.1.1. data_frame_name is the name of the data frame that contains the variables y and x. In our case, data_frame_name is the evals_ch5 data frame. Second,...