DatabaseUpdate DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineItem EditionCapability ElasticPoolActivity ElasticPoolDatabaseActivity ElasticPoolDtuCapability ElasticPoolEdition ElasticPoolEditionCapability ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMaxDtuCapability ElasticPoolPerDatabaseMinDtuCapability ElasticPoolState ElasticPoolUpdate ExportRequest...
資料庫庫吞吐量單元(Database Throughput Unit ,DTU):這是一個綜合多項能力的單位,結合了 CPU,記憶體,資料讀寫能力成為一個單位。 理論上 5 DTU 的效能水準比 1 DTU 要多五倍,Worker thread 在邏輯上表示 Microsoft Azure SQL Database 允許的執行緒數量上限,可以視為是作業系統允許的執行緒數量上限...
the maximum allowed storage capacity in bytes for the SQL Database capacityInMB() public long capacityInMB() Returns long the maximum allowed storage capacity in MB for the SQL Database valueOf(String name) public static SqlDatabaseBasicStorage valueOf(String name) Parameters name String Retu...
当时我们看到分布式系统里面最难的一个问题就是,我们怎么去把这种关系型数据库(relational database),或者说,把这种传统单机的数据库软件变成一个分布式的架构;但是同时又能保持原来在单机上面的一些,比如说,一致性(consistency)。 当时觉得这个问题就像珠穆朗玛峰一样,没人做过。然后我们就觉得,我靠这东西太牛逼了,...
程序员通常需要以编程方式创建数据库。 本文介绍如何使用 ADO.NET 和 Visual Basic .NET 以编程方式创建 SQL Server 数据库。 创建示例的步骤 创建新的 Visual Basic .NET Windows 应用程序项目。 Form1 默认添加到项目中。 在Form1 上放置命令按钮,并将其Name属性btnCreateDatabase更改为和属性Text。Create Data...
ImportsSystem.Data.SqlClientImportsSystem.XmlImportsSystem.TextModuleModule1 PublicSub Main()DimloCustomersAsDataSetDimloOrdersAsDataTableTry'Get list of the customers from the databaseloCustomers = GetCustomers() Console.WriteLine("Total customers: "& loCustomers.Tables(0).Rows.Count.ToString)IfNotlo...
Sql.Backup.Model Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Backup.Services Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Cmdlet Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Common Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database_Backup.Cmdlet Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database.Cmdlet Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database.Model...
I'm just building a quiz game, and at random a question will appear with three optional answers, am I right in using a local SQL database just to store the questions and the answer...
More specifically SQLiteDatabase provides the insert(), update() and delete() methods. In addition it provides the execSQL() method, which allows to execute an SQL statement directly. Queries can be created via the rawQuery() and query() methods or via the SQLiteQueryBuilder class . ...
design of database objects, such as tables. The part of SQL that is used for creating and altering database objects is called data-definition language (DDL). This topic does not cover DDL. For more information, see the articleCreate or modify tables or indexes by usi...