PL/SQL: While LoopIt is an entry controlled loop which means that before entering in a while loop first the condition is tested, if the condition is TRUE the statement or a group of statements get executed and if the condition is FALSE the control will move out of the while loop....
·函数:Create or replace function funcname(参数列表) return返回值as PL/SQL语句块 5.游标的定义为:用游标来指代一个DML SQL操作返回的结果集。即当一个对数据库的查询操作返回一组结果集时,用游标来标注这组结果集,以后通过对游标的操作来获取结果集中的数据信息。这里特别提出游标的概念,是因为它在PL/SQL...
分号分隔每一条语句,使用赋值操作符:=或SELECT INTO或FETCH INTO给每个变量赋值,执行部分的错误将在异常处理部分解决,在执行部分中可以使用另一个PL/SQL程序块,这种程序块被称为嵌套块。所有的SQL数据操作语句都可以用于执行部分,PL/SQL块不能在屏幕上显示SELECT语句的输出。SELECT语句必须包括一个INTO子串或者是游标...
This chapter covers basic reference material on how to write programs in PL/SQL and their examples. PL/SQL allows dependencies between commands within the same block of code. It also allows for parameter passing up and down code block hierarchies. PL/SQL contains a definition of variable scope...
The programming statements that can be used in a PL/SQL application include: assignment, DELETE, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, INSERT, NULL, SELECT INTO, and UPDATE.
PL/SQL Basic --PL/SQL块结构DECLARE/**定义部分-定义常量,变量,复杂数据类型,游标。 可选 没有;*/BEGIN/**执行部分-sql语句 必须 没有;*/EXCEPTION/**例外处理部分-处理运行错误 可选 没有;*/END;/*块结束标志 必须;*/setserveroutputonBEGINDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hello');END;DECLAREv_enameVARCHAR...
The programming statements that can be used in a PL/SQL application include: assignment, DELETE, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, INSERT, NULL, SELECT INTO, and UPDATE.
右键点击桌面上的快捷方式,修改目标:"C:\Program Files\PLSQL Developer\PLSQLDev.exe" 为"C:\Program Files\PLSQL Developer\plsql.bat" 完成后直接点击快捷方式就可以了。 另一方面,请选择合适版本 2、下载完成后,把文件解压到本地某路径下,如:d:\instantclient ,在此路径下建立:NETWORK/ADMIN文件夹,在ADMIN...
In PL/pgSQL an assignment of a value to a variable is written as: variable:= expression; Here is an example: Examples: tax:= subtotal * 0.04; my_record.user_id := 30; Executing a command with no result There are some SQL commands that does not return rows, for example, INSERT wit...
This topic describes the basic PL/SQL statements. Assign a value You can assign a value to a PL/SQL variable by using the following syntax: variable { := | = } expression; The expression of this statement is evaluated in such a way that an SQL SELECT statement is sent to the primary...