This term refers to a step that has many variations and can be done in any direction. A pas de bourrée is composed of a series of small steps in which the legs come together for a moment before opening again. It is normally done sur la demi-pointe or sur la pointe, and it is use...
Sooner or later, it was inevitable that someone would come up with a programming language aimed at beginners. But BASIC as it came to be was profoundly influenced by the fact that it was created at a liberal arts college with a forward-thinking mathematics program. Dartmouth became that place...
Here is theWaltz box stepvideo lesson. The box step is the basic step of the Waltz and it is done exactly the way it sounds. Imagine you have a “box” drawn in front of you. Now simply steps on the corners of that box and there you have it! Watch the video lesson below to rea...
Grease and line your pan. Greasing your pan with butter or baking spray and lining it with parchment paper will make your cake easier to remove and cool. This will help your butter cake keep its beautiful, delicate shape. Make sure your butteris at cold/room temperature before you start to...