5) Optimal personal income tax rate 最优所得税税率 例句>> 6) effective tax rates 实际所得税税率 1. Based on the panel data of listed companies in the Chinese stock-market during 1998-2004,The paper examines the determinants of corporateeffective tax ratesat firm level. ...
The idea of a universal minimum level of income support for all Canadians was first recommended by the Croll Committee Report in 1971. In the same year, the Castonguay-Nepveu Commission of Quebec suggested a similar scheme. In the early 1970s, a Social Security review reintroduced the concept...
or Finnish bureaucrats and Silicon Valley tycoons. Some policies have a habit of creating strange bedfellows—like the idea that governments should guarantee their citizens a minimum level ofincome. Not by creating jobs or providing traditionalwelfare...
4. At this level, basic concepts such as bonding, ionic and covalent bonds are briefly introduced to students. 在这一级,基本概念,如氢键,离子和共价键简要介绍给学生。 5. basic什么意思 5. Focusing on the transnational feature of this kind of crimes and their basic situation, this article intro...
On the fourth level, a lot of money is spent on services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of needs as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?
What they do not realize about human beings is that for the vast majority of them, a subsistence level of income is enough — and those advocates are blind to the corrosive effects that widespread idleness would have on society. If you give people money for doing nothing, they will probably...
The basic rate of income tax is the lowest or most common rate, which applies to people who earn average incomes. 双语例句 例: All this is to be done without big increases in the basic level of taxation. 所有这一切将在没有大幅度提高最低所得税标准的前提下进行。
这个假设非常重要!有了这个假设,同一个城市里的所有的家庭(households)都会得到相同的效用(the same level of utility)。 No Local Government 不存在地方政府提供服务或者收缴税金。 The basic household maximization problem with residential location choice ...
On closer inspection, these considerations lend stronger support to a hybrid which I shall call ‘Near-Universal Basic Income’ (NUBI). Under NUBI, everyone receives a high level of basic income, sufficient both for a dignified existence and for effective political participation, except for the ...
The first stage of the experiment involved 2,000 participants, as some experts suggested at least 10,000 people should be included. The current Finnish welfare system provides unemployment benefits and additional living cost subsidies after verifying beneficiaries' labor force status and income level. ...