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(engineering, chemistry, physics, numerical analysis, etc). maths has a lot of formulas based on different concepts. these formulas can be memorized by practising questions based on them. some problems can be solved quickly, using maths tricks . class 1 to 10 has been taught with the general...
The dual to the space of analytic test functions is introduced along with operators generalizing translation, scaling, differentiation, and the Fourier-Laplace transform. Baste aspects and formulas concerning Fourier analysis on this dual is developed. It is shown that all elements of this dual space...
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The focus of Part II is on classical and modern approximation methods on the unit sphere in ℝ 3. We will first learn how orthogonal polynomials on the unit sphere are constructed. These polynomials—the spherical harmonics—have...
(engineering, chemistry, physics, numerical analysis, etc). maths has a lot of formulas based on different concepts. these formulas can be memorized by practising questions based on them. some problems can be solved quickly, using maths tricks . class 1 to 10 has been taught with the general...