To begin diagramming your process, click on the process shape in the left toolbar and add as many as there are steps. Select the “Process” text within the shape to customize the text. Arranging steps After your process shapes have been labeled with the steps in your process, drag and ...
7a). Endogenous NSCs were labeled by an anti-Nestin antibody. Nestin and Ki-67 costaining represents the proliferative phase of NSCs. Double immunostaining of Nestin and Ki-67 in the injured spinal cord showed that the bFGF-MSCs group had more Nestin/Ki-67 double-positive cells in vertical ...
Fig. 2 aSchematic diagram showing the mechanism of EphA2-TEA-VV EphA2-TEA-VV has been designed to express BiTE that targets EphA2 expressed on lung cancer cells and CD3 on T cells to stimulate T cells directly without antigen presentation by APCs.bCD19t for improving target identification and...
(A) A schematic recognition diagram of CLOCK-BMAL1 to DNA in the crystal structure. Residues that participate in DNA recognition are labeled by a blue rectangle in CLOCK and a green rectangle in BMAL1. E-box is in red. Flanking base pairs that are recognized by BMAL1 is colored green. ...
(GFP) labeled Nanog cell model in ovarian cell lines (A2780 and SKOV3) using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, they found that the interaction of Nanog with the AR signaling axis may induce or contribute to the regulation of OCSC [95]. In another study, Yang et al. used CRISPR/Cas9 technology ...
These color locations are as labeled with the primary toned palettes being grouped together, as shown. The yellow-toned palette at the upper righthand grouping of segments comprised of the upper quadrant segments which are the yellow-toned blue, the yellow and the yellow-toned red, as indicated...
These findings illustrate an important principle of sensory systems called labeled line. The idea is that the quality (i.e., modality) of a particular sensation results from the fact that it is conveyed to the CNS by a specific set of afferents that have a distinct set of targets in the ...
and 10 kHz are for convenience only as you will have to jump through a lot of hoops to get them right on the money. Fortunately, the audio amplifier being tested doesn’t know or care if that frequency is off a tad from what it’s labeled, just as long as it’s near the portion...
When a stable chemistry as in pharmacology (e.g., biomolecule or pharmaceutical) is replaced by a positron-emitting isotope, its chemical structure remains the same as that of the precursor and it is called an authentically labeled PET radiotracer. Examples are [11C]methionine and [15O]water,...
To avoid any kind of distraction, such as noise, the test was administered in an isolated room where participants entered individually. Specifically, on the notebook keyboard, the letter M was labeled with a yellow card to indicate where the participants had to press for a target stimulus. On...