Knot Tying: The Basic KnotsKNOT TYING: THE BASIC KNOTS CD-ROM For PC Computers With Windows 95, or Later--$24.95. Beutner...Redman, Rod E
Video self-assessment may be a valuable addition to a pre-residency and surgical internship preparatory curriculum in basic suturing and knot tying. 展开 关键词: trainee video self-assessment DOI: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2012.10.003 被引量: 25
You will learn climbing technique and how to set up your climbing system, tying each knot many times to put it into "muscle memory." You'll learn rules for personal safety, as well as guidelines about how to respect and protect the trees you climb. You will also learn about what kind ...
Photo: Shutterstock Tying A Knot This is an absolutely underrated skill set, not just for survival, but for a number of different leisurely or sporting activities, including sailing (or, more generally, boating), camping, rock climbing, and more. And the applications can be incredibly helpful i...
Running a 50-cm rope was the basic task. Advanced tasks included running a suture through predetermined points and intracorporeal knot tying with 3–0 silk. Trial completion times and errors, categorized into three groups (orientation, precision, and task), were recorded. Results The trial ...
The couple?s hands are tied together with a small rope or ribbon, and at the end of the ceremony they leap over a broomstick or besom into their union. This is where the saying ?tying the knot? originates. May is a good time for outdoor celebrations such as may pole dancing, so ...
Make two marks six inches apart in the center of two long frame pieces. Using the drill/driver and a paddle bit sized to the thickness of the rope, dill holes through each mark. Thread the ends of the rope through the holes in the frame. Secure the rope by tying a knot at the end...
After inspection the two would “come up with a song from the sea,” Moti Guj, all black and shining, waving a torn tree branch twelve feet long in his trunk, and Deesa knotting up his own long wet hair. It was a peaceful, well-paid life till Deesa felt the return of the ...
To determine if a knot-tying checklist can provide a valid score and if the checklist can be used by novice surgeons in a reliable manner. This study was conducted at the Surgical Skills Center at the University of California, San Francisco. A knot-tying checklist was developed from a ...
medical educationOBJECTIVE: To determine if a knot-tying checklist can provide a valid score and if the checklist can be used by novice surgeons in a reliable manner.Huang, EmilyVaughn, Carolyn J.Chern, HueylanO'Sullivan, PatriciaKim, EdwardJournal of surgical education...