Hydraulics & Pneumatics (228) Thermodynamics (388) Basic Mechanical Engineering (91) Dynamics of Machinery (92) Engineering Metallurgy (61) Design of Machine Elements - 1 (81) Mechatronics (60) Turbo Machines (70) Mechanical System Design (73) Engineering Mechanics (103) Strength...
Allometric, metabolic, and biomechanical theories are the critical foundations for scientifically deciphering plant forms. Their concrete laws, however, are found to deviate for plenty of plant specimens. This phenomenon has not been extensively studied,
I have a test in hydraulics tuesday. I'll reply to these messages IN EXTENSIVE DETAILS on wednesday. Real thanks. You guys rock. Sep 5, 2011 #18 Femme_physics Gold Member 2,550 1 They are electrically identical. Any points connected by a conductor (wire) must be at the same ...