75. 62. See, Allen Ashman and Pat Chapin, “Is the Bell Tolling for Non Lawyer Judges?” Judicature 59, 1976, pp. 417–421.Author information Authors and Affiliations Law School, Peking University, Beijing, China Suli Zhu Corresponding author Correspondence to Suli Zhu . Appendix: Magistrates...
298 bellflower 도라지 299 wheat 밀 300 chestnut 밤 302 leek 부추 303 barley 보리 304 watermelon 수박 305 citron 유자 306 plum 자두, 매실 307 (musk) melon 참외 308 fafaya 파파야 309 red bean 팥 310 green pepper 풋고추 311 brown rice 현...
competency in the use of RDTs and ACTs in the longer term, and the ability of teachers to balance this role alongside their teaching schedule. These issues are being further investigated through an ongoing evaluation of the impact, cost effectiveness and acceptability of the programme of school-...