读书笔记 | 网络科学 Ch2: Graph Theory 王涵之 【2022新书】深度学习的数学工程,The Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning 这本书提供了深度学习的数学工程的一个完整和简明的概述。除了概述深度学习的基础之外,本课程还包括卷积神经网络、循环神经网络、transformers、生成对抗网络、强化学习和多种技巧。重点是…...
Neo4j Graph Database 待更新 https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j JanusGraph open-source, distributed graph database 待更新 https://github.com/JanusGraph/janusgraph OpenMLDB an open-source machine learning database 待更新 https://github.com/4paradigm/OpenMLDBtaobao...
A. more B. less Boshi Du - charlespdu@ Introductory Microeconomics Part I March 16, 2012 11/39 Development of the economic theory of value - labor theory Part I – Basic Economic Concepts (8-14%) I-F. Marginal analysis The paradox of value (also known as the diamond–water paradox) ...
mathematics Article Application of Basic Graph Theory in Autonomous Motion of Robots Petr Coufal 1,* , Šteˇpán Hubálovský 1 and Marie Hubálovská 2 1 Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Kralove, Rokitanskeho 62, 50003 Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic; stepan.hubalovsky@uhk.cz 2 ...
3.A bound on the chromatic number of graphs without certain induced subgraphs[J].Stanley Wagon,Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B.1980,第3期 4.Coloring the hypergraph of maximal cliques of a graph with no long path[J].Sylvain Gravier;Chinh T. Hoang;Frederic Maffray,Discrete Mathe...