In order to reduce the shrinkage in the gluten free version of this quick bread, I suggest separating your eggs and whipping the whites to medium peaks. Gently fold the whites into the batter as the very last step before putting the batter into the pan. This will help give the bread stru...
a) If the dough looks like a thick pancake batter (possible measuring error) or if there’s wet dough underneath the paddles, add a tablespoon of flour. Wait a minute or two for it to mix in while kneading. Repeat this process until the dough sticks to the side and pulls away cleanly...
BASIC FOOD KNOWLEDGE(最全食物中英文对照)基本食品知识BASIC FOOD KNOWLEDGE 西餐: WESTERN 菜单: DEFERENT MENUS 早餐 Breakfast:a) 欧陆式-Continentalb) 美式-Americanc) 零点式-A la carted) 自助餐 -Buffet (欧陆式或美式)-Buffet (Continental/American)e...
炸,用浆粉-Batter 修改-Trimmed 片-Sliced 丝-Straw 切-Cut 条-Stripe 抗形-Oliveshape 切条-Shredded 芝士面烤-AuGratin 烤炉-Salamander 磨烂成糊-Mashed 切碎-Chopped 热汁SauceConcerned(HotSauce): 黄汁-BrownSauce(配肉类W/Meat) 烧汁-Gravy(配肉类W/Meat) 红酒汁-RedWineSauce(配肉类W/Meat) 白酒汁...
Room-temperature eggs and milk will make much fluffier pancakes, and milk that’s not ice-cold will also help the melted butter distribute better throughout the batter rather than clumping up. Don’t tell anyone I told you, but in a lot of climates it’s toooootally fine to leave the ...