消防安全培训英文-Basic Fire Fighting BasicFireFighting XXEHSDepartment Introduction Fire=combustionofsubstanceswithoxygen,givingoutlight&heat.ORflameORdestructiveburning.Combustion=burningordevelopmentoflightandheatfromthechemicalcombinationofasubstancewithoxygen.Flame=ignitedgasorportionofthis/brightlight...
fire fighting and fire extinguishing methods: use water spray, carbon dioxide, dry powder, appropriate foam fire extinguishing agent. (3) caution for storage and transportation: store in a cool, ventilated room. store separately from oxidizer. (4) personal protective measures: ventilation, local ...
3-27 3.8.3 Fighting Wing. 3-29 3.9 Four-Ship Formations. 3-30 3.9.1 Box/Offset Box. 3-30 3.9.2 Fluid Four. 3-31 3.9.3 Spread Four 3-31 3.9.4 Viper Four 3-34 3.10 Three-Ship Formations 3-34 3.10.1 Vic Formation. 3-34 3.10.2 Fluid Three 3-34 3.10.3 Spread Three. 3-...
Before you punish both boys for fighting, see whether you can determine which one was the aggressor. aghast ADJ. /吓坏了的/horrified. He was aghast at the nerve of the speaker who had insulted his host. agility N. /敏捷/nimbleness. The agility of the acrobat amazed and thrilled the ...