In this section, you can learn more about the history of electronic fetal monitoring, its physiologic basis, and contextual details about reading fetal tracings. Don't forget to take some quizzes. The History of EFM Basic Equipment for Fetal Monitoring The Physiological... ...
The article highlights fetal heart rate (FHR) observations, review the existing scientific data, and provide a contemporary foundation for evidence-based FHR interpretation and management. It discusses the basic principles o...
of synapses in the human fetal cortex which corresponds to the gradual and sequential ingrowth of preterminal axons above and below CP. Selective presence of synapses in two transient synaptic compartments indicates unique properties of their neuropil, where plexuses of small caliber axons and their ...
Building off these findings, they also explored the use of polyphenols, a larger class of plant-based antioxidants including flavonoids, in removing PCBs from the environment. Moreover, the work stimulated discoveries in remediation. They have developed novel nanoparticle systems containing polyphenols ...
detailed phenotyping of upstream kinases that regulate HDAC4 localization in the heart is crucial for molecular understanding of cardiac stress responses and moving toward translational cardiac therapies involving class II HDACs. Here, using adult ventricular myocytes from mouse, rabbit and human hearts,...
Class of compounds, lignan glycosides, with anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory activity isolated from the roots of Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng, a distant relative of Asian ginseng) and other medicinal herbs. Eleutherosides B and E have been most extensively studied. ELF (1) Eph ...
Structural variations represent another important class of genomic alterations. Unlike SNVs, SVs are more complex and variable, affecting a larger portion of the cancer genome than any other type of somatic genetic alteration [87]. They range in size from ~ 50 bp to well over several mega...
NERVOUS SYSTEM.Nausea and vomiting commonly follow agent administration of nitrogen mustard or BCNU. Ifosfamide is the most neurotoxic agent of this class and may produce altered mental status, coma, generalized seizures, and cerebellar ataxia. These side effects result from the release of chloroacetal...
CD4+ T-cells recognize antigen molecules exclusively when the protein is processed, and peptide fragments thereof are presented, by APCs that express Class II MHC molecules. T-cell recognition of an antigen reflects a tri-molecular interaction between the T-cell receptor (TCR), the MHC molecule...
(TFH) train GC B cells to form humoral responses. TFH and a variety of other cell types of hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic origin interact and deliver signals to GC B cells to promote survival, proliferation, affinity maturation, class switch recombination, and differentiation into memory B ...