essential element 必需元素 2、basic basic principle 基本原理 basic theory 基本理论 basic level 基本水平 3、fundamental fundamental physics 基础物理 fundamental color 基色 ; 知颜色 ; 基本色 Fundamental Structure 基本结构 4、vital vital interest 切身利益 vital point 要点 vital sign 生...
The branch of engineering in which the flow and control of electrons in vacuum or semiconductor are studied is called electronics.Diode vacuum tube was the first electronic component invented by J.A. Fleming. Later, Lee De Forest developed the triode, a three element vacuum tube capable of volt...
我们将集合视为无结构的对象的集合或集合(a structureless family, or collection, of objects)。例如,我们谈论空间中的向量集合、平面上的点集合、或时空连续体中的事件。集合A 的每个成员 a 都称为该集合的一个元素(element)。这种关系用 a∈A 表示(读作“ a 是 A 的一个元素”或“ a 属于 A ”),其...
The data is gathered in a matrix X, with n rows and p columns, with an element xij referring to an element of X at the ith line and the jth column. Usually, a line of X corresponds with an "observation", which can be a set of physicochemical measurements or a spectrum or, more ...
The data is gathered in a matrix X, with n rows and p columns, with an element xij referring to an element of X at the ith line and the jth column. Usually, a line of X corresponds with an "observation", which can be a set of physicochemical measurements or a spectrum or, more ...
The heating effect of that resistance element is measured thermally to give a true RMS value with no mathematical calculations whatsoever, just the laws of physics in action in fulfillment of the definition of RMS. The accuracy of this type of RMS measurement is independent of waveshape. Relation...
Examples: With (p/q, p'/q') in \mathbb{Q}^2, with each element in \mathbb{R}^2 is a limit point of \mathbb{Q}, the closure of \mathbb{Q}^2 is \mathbb{R}^2, and the boundary of \mathbb{Q}^2. And for a subset A of X, we define A is dense in X if \bar{A}=X...
of time points,Ndenotes the number of all possible basic modes, andEikis theith element of thekth basic mode.bReconstructing the FC matrix with the first five basic modes (REST1). Left, spatial patterns of the reconstructed and original FC matrices; right, spatial similarity between these two...
Kirchhoff’s Law of Voltage and Current Thevenin’s Theorem Alternating Current (AC) vs Direct Current (DC) What Is a Short Circuit? What is Negative Voltage? The RC Delay Element Tips: How to combine components? Tips: An expert in electronics does easier tasks ...
Chemical compounds are then formed by the combination of one or more atoms of one element with atoms of another; for example, the combination of one atom of carbon with two of oxygen yields carbon dioxide.doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-3527-6_1I. R. Cameron...