数据库系统(DataBase System,DBS):是有数据库、数据库管理系统(及其应用开发工具)、应用程序和数据库管理员(DataBase Administrator DBA)组成的存储、管理、处理和维护数据的系统。 实体(entity):客观存在并可相互区别的事物称为实体。 属性(attribute):实体所具有的某一特性称为属性。 码(key):唯一标识实体的属性...
It is equivalent to directly execute the function body without executing the steps of entering the function; Equivalent to a macro, but with more type checking than a macro, it really has function characteristics; The compiler generally does not inline inline functions that include complex operations...
Device# show clns area3 traffic Displays traffic statistics. To monitor IS-IS for stability once it has been deployed across your network, enter theshowclnstrafficcommand to check the following important statistics: high numbers of SPFs, checksum errors, and retransmis...
For SQL Server Enterprise Edition, Microsoft has extensively tested with 10 AGs and 100 DBs per physical machine.But again, it really depends on the amount of worker threads, the hardware that you use, the network performance, the amount of transactions, ...Thoroughly test ...
To monitor IS-IS for stability once it has been deployed across your network, enter the show clns traffic command to check the following important statistics: high numbers of SPFs, checksum errors, and retransmissions. To troubleshoot IS-IS behavior, you can use t...
For SQL Server Enterprise Edition, Microsoft has extensively tested with 10 AGs and 100 DBs per physical machine. But again, it really depends on the amount of worker threads, the hardware that you use, the network performance, the amount of transactions, ... Thoroughly ...
With this blog post I want to show how easy it is to create a Basic Availability Group and what limitations you can expect.PrerequisitesThe prerequisites are the same as for a traditional Enterprise AlwaysOn Availability Group. You still need to Create a Windows Failover...
To monitor IS-IS for stability once it has been deployed across your network, enter theshowclnstrafficcommand to check the following important statistics: high numbers of SPFs, checksum errors, and retransmissions. To troubleshoot IS-IS behavior, you can use the output from theshow...
connectivity check is performed before considering a link between two ISs as part of the graph. This prevents the use of stale information in the LSPDB, for example, when one IS is no longer operating in the network but did not purge the set of LSPs that it generated befo...
connectivity check is performed before considering a link between two ISs as part of the graph. This prevents the use of stale information in the LSPDB, for example, when one IS is no longer operating in the network but did not purge the set of LSPs that it generat...