This video explains how to perform basic CRUD operation on MongoDB using MongoShell. We will learn the functionality and usage of find, insertOne, insertMany, deleteOne, deleteMany, updateOne,updateMany, pretty, and many more.
Basic CRUD operations using the Deno backend framework and MongoDB database Deno's Third Party modules used - OAK ( - similar to Koala frameword for nodejs denv ( for .env files mongo (
Document databases have become increasingly popular due to their speed and ability to store huge amounts of data or semi-structured data. MongoDB has emerged as a leader in the document database space and, as a consequence, it may be necessary for developers to learn how to interact with Mo...
django_mongodb mainapp screenshots static/css templates/mainapp .gitignore Dockerfile Notes.txt docker-compose.yml requirements.txt README Django-MongoDB-CRUD-RESTAPI Basic create, read, update and delete for students marks and total is here with super cool User Interface. ...
A simple CRUD application. Back-end API The backend of the application is written in Express using theMongoDBCompass database. It is located in the Express backend01-backend-mongofolder. The repo is located atsezginibis/vue-mongo-crud
All the queries are stored in the models folder.This project supports BoltDB, MongoDB, and MySQL. All the queries are stored in the same files so you can easily change the database without modifying anything but the config file.The user.go and note.go files are at the root of the ...
NoRMatic is a wrapper/extender for the excellent NoRM library (thanks to Andrew Theken) for interacting with MongoDB in .NET. NoRM exposes a complete LINQ provider over MongoDB collections along with helpers for index and collection management as well as strongly typed document mapping. NoRMatic...