Hansen, Basic Concepts for Simple and Complex Liquids (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, ed. 1, 2003).J-L Barrat and J-Pi Hansen. Basic concepts for simple and complex liquids. Cambridge University Press, First Edition, 2003.Barrat JL, Hansen JP. 2003. Basic Concepts for Simple and ...
The concept of the blood-brain barrier derives from the classical studies of the pioneers in chemotherapy, such as Ehrlich, who administered dyestuffs parenterally in the hope that they would attack infective organisms. Thus Ehrlich observed that many dy
Also, before getting into the basic physics concepts and courses, here’s the ultimate basic physics course by Open2Study to get started with your journey. Overview: Basic Physics (BascPhys) This course is designed to introduce learners to the fundamental concepts of physics, making it perfect ...
Based on the fundamental concepts, one of the advantages of using stainless steel is its high corrosion resistance, but in combination with other alloying elements can provide good mechanical strength, making the steel an appropriate material to be used in diverse applications that, in many cases,...
Concepts of stress, strain, and elasticity The English scientistRobert Hookediscovered in 1660, but published only in 1678, that for many materials the displacement under a load was proportional toforce, thus establishing the notion of (linear)elasticitybut not yet in a way that was expressible ...
Concepts such as the “transient climate response” or the “transient climate response to cumulative carbon emissions” have been introduced to account for these effects and may be a better index of the warming that will occur within a century or two [Allen and Frame, 2007; Knutti and Hegerl...
some conceptual terms have significantly enhanced our understanding of the human-microbe relationship. For example, concepts such as “holobiont”, “superorganism”, and “meta-organism” have expanded the definition of human.44,45,46The “hologenome” frames the human genome and the genetic content...
Laser Surgery In laser surgery there are four principal concepts which help in the understanding of the interactions between laser beams and tissues. In sequence these are, transmission, absorption, degradation and reaction. First, the transmission properties of various ocular coats and media must be...
This paper proposes a battery-resistor circuit to aid introductory laboratory students visualize concepts of experimental measurement uncertainty, sums of uncertainties and uncertainty of the mean value. In the model presented the uncertainty or noise can be though of as noise in a loudspeaker, making...
Key Concepts The choice of statistical methods depends on the research question, the scales on which the variables are measured, and the number of variables to be analyzed. Many of the advanced statistical procedures can be interpreted as an extension or modification of multiple regression ...